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Playlist Setanejo

Sertanejo is a beloved and popular music genre in Brazil that has its roots in rural areas of the country. It emerged in the early 20th century and has since evolved, becoming one of the most favored music styles in Brazil, with a significant and passionate following.

At the core of the sertanejo sound are traditional instruments such as the viola caipira, accordion, and sanfona. The lyrics of sertanejo songs often focus on themes of rural life, love, and heartbreak, making it a relatable genre for many listeners.

Over the years, sertanejo has been influenced by other musical genres, such as rock, pop, and electronic music. This has led to the emergence of sub-genres like sertanejo universitário and sertanejo pop, which feature more modern sounds and production techniques.

Sertanejo has a diverse range of artists, from traditional singers like Tonico and Tinoco to modern stars such as Luan Santana and Marília Mendonça, who have achieved mainstream success in Brazil and beyond. Concerts and festivals featuring sertanejo music are known to draw massive crowds across Brazil, with millions of fans singing and dancing to their favorite sertanejo hits.

In recent years, sertanejo music has gained international recognition, with artists such as Michel Teló and Gusttavo Lima achieving success in countries like Spain and Portugal. This has helped to further establish sertanejo’s position as one of the most beloved and cherished music genres in Brazil.

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Mada Martins
Author: Mada Martins

As a painter and digital artist, I am passionate about creating works that bridge the gap between traditional art forms and cutting-edge digital technologies. I love experimenting with different techniques and mediums, always striving to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of visual art. Whether I am working with oil paints on canvas or digital brushes on a tablet, I am always looking for ways to express my unique vision and capture the essence of the world around me. I draw inspiration from the natural world, from the people I meet, and from the stories that shape our lives. Above all, I believe that art has the power to connect us and to communicate ideas and...