
W.A.S.P. K.F.D.
W.A.S.P. K.F.D.

Kill Fuck Die is the seventh studio album by American heavy metal band W.A.S.P., released by Castle Records in 1997.


All songs written by Blackie Lawless and Chris Holmes.

  1. “Kill Fuck Die” – 4:20
  2. “Take the Addiction” – 3:41
  3. “My Tortured Eyes” – 4:03
  4. “Killahead” – 4:07
  5. “Kill Your Pretty Face” – 5:49
  6. “Fetus” – 1:23
  7. “Little Death” – 4:12
  8. “U” – 5:10
  9. “Wicked Love” – 4:36
  10. “The Horror” – 8:26

Album Cover

W.A.S.P. K.F.D.
W.A.S.P. K.F.D.

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Iwiw Anubis
Author: IwIw Anubis

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