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Raul Santos Seixas, born 28 June 1945 – 21 August 1989,  was a Brazilian rock composer, singer, songwriter and producer. He is sometimes called the “Father of Brazilian Rock” and “Maluco Beleza”, the last one roughly translated as “Groovy Nutcase”. He was born in Salvador (Bahia), Brazil, and died of pancreatitis in São Paulo. Every year on Seixas’ birthday, legions of fans, including thousands of impersonators (many even changing their last name to Seixas as a sign of idolatry), throw a parade in his honor in downtown São Paulo.


More about Raul Seixas

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Mada Martins
Author: Mada Martins

As a painter and digital artist, I am passionate about creating works that bridge the gap between traditional art forms and cutting-edge digital technologies. I love experimenting with different techniques and mediums, always striving to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of visual art. Whether I am working with oil paints on canvas or digital brushes on a tablet, I am always looking for ways to express my unique vision and capture the essence of the world around me. I draw inspiration from the natural world, from the people I meet, and from the stories that shape our lives. Above all, I believe that art has the power to connect us and to communicate ideas and...