Música: Beautiful Lies
Artista: Mind Reverse
Ano: 2022
Operação de câmera: Fadi Hijazi
Direção e edição: Fadi Hijazi
Gravado, mixado e masterizado no Estúdio H!, em Maringá-PR.
Pré produção: Haroldo Rickli
Capa do single: Mateus Iori
Agradecimento especial: Débora Curti, pelo trabalho artístico desenvolvido no clipe.


Tell me who do you want to be when you wake up
And face the illusions all around
You keep on trying but you can’t see
Because everything lies inside a very small screen

Oh, the perfect fake life
For the algorithm’s eye
Oh, the perfect fake smiles
And know you must keep your mind safe, from the beautiful lies

Or if you want you might also join the game
Make a pretty character to play
Shape yourself so you can fit
And hide everything that’s inside behind some filters

Oh, the perfect fake life
For the algorithm’s eye
Oh, the perfect fake smiles
You play the game, the only way, to keep your mind safe, from the beautiful lies

Oh, the perfect fake life
For the algorithm’s eye
Oh, the perfect fake smiles
Now you play the illusions game, how many lives you think you can you take with your beautiful lies?

Lazy placeholder Mind Reverse 8211 Beautiful Lies videoclipe

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Lazy placeholder Mind Reverse 8211 Beautiful Lies videoclipe
Author: Marian