Laurel Arnell-Cullen, better known as Laurel, is a British indie musician based in London. Laurel received critical acclaim for writing, recording and producing all her music in her bedroom studio in London.


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Cindy Mart
Author: Cindy Mart

I am a woman passionate about music from the 60s to the 80s. Since I was very young, I have been drawn to the melodies and lyrics of iconic artists from that era, such as The Beatles, Queen, Elvis Presley, Led Zeppelin, among others. I grew up listening to these songs, and they have accompanied me through many moments of my life. They are the soundtrack of my dearest memories, and every time I listen to them, I feel transported to those magical times. Whenever I can, I participate in retro music shows and festivals, singing and dancing to the beat of my favorite songs. It's an indescribable feeling to be there, in the middle of a crowd of people...