Motörhead – Enter Sandman (Official Video)

Motörhead – Enter Sandman

#motorhead #metallica #heavymetal Listen, watch or buy ‘ Enter Sandman’ here Subscribe to the official Motörhead You Tube Channel Follow Motörhead Facebook Twitter Instagram Website Spotify Apple Music Deezer Amazon Music You Tube This is Motörhead’s little heard cover of Metallica’s huge global hit, ‘ Enter Sandman’ – a loving homage to arguably the most recognizable heavy metal song of all time. The video created by Mulberry Creative – […]

Blues Pills live | Rockpalast | 2013

Blues Pills Live | Rockpalast | 2013

Blues Pills live | Rockpalast | 2013 | Setlist 01. B L I S S 00 15 02. T I M E I S N O W 04 16 03. D I G I N 08 01 04. T H E R I V E R 13 49 05. D E V I L M A N 17 21 06. L I T T L E S U N 21 41 07. M I N D E X I T 25 59 08. B L U E S P I L L S 30 15 09. A S T R A L P L A N E 34 32 10. G Y P S Y 39 39 11. B L A C K S M O K E 43 52 12. Interview 50 53 13. W H E E L T O W H E E L 53 16 14. Y E T T O F I N D 56 20 Harter Bluesrock aus Schweden mit Soul Stimme. Das Quartett Blues Pills kreiert eine Rock’n’ Roll Atmosphäre, die direkt […]

Jess and the Ancient Ones &; Astral Sabbat (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Jess And The Ancient Ones – Astral Sabbat

Astral Sabbat m C D / m L P out on Svart Records, Feb 22nd 2013. Jess And The Ancient Ones Subscribe to Svart Records You Tube channel Share It Twitter Share Tumblr Share Pinterest Save

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