Metal Playlist September 2020

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Eluveitie – Aidus

Official music video for the new E L U V E I T I E single ‘ Aidus’ S U B S C R I B E to N U C L E A R B L A S T | S U B S C R I B E to E L U V E I T I E With ‘ Aidus’, Swiss Metal legends E L U V E I T I E follow the huge success of their last album ‘ Ategnatos’, thereby showing a never before seen side of the band. Listen to the single on your favourite platform Directed by Marcus Overbeck and Michael Jörg Production Filmefahrer Pictures/ Overbeck Media – Full cast and crew at the end of the video – F O L L O W E L U V E I T I E Instagram […]

AC-DC Playlist

Ac-dc Playlist

A C/ D C is an Australian rock band formed in Sydney in 1973 by Scottish born brothers Malcolm and Angus Young. Underwent several line up changes before releasing their first album, 1975’s High Voltage. Membership subsequently stabilised around the Young brothers, singer Bon Scott, drummer Phil Rudd, and bassist Mark Evans. Evans was fired from the band in 1977 and replaced by Cliff Williams, who has appeared on every A C/ D C album since 1978’s Powerage. In February 1980, about seven months after the release of […]

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