Rosa de Hiroshima 1945

Secos E Molhados – Rosa De Hiroshima

Rosa de Hiroshima – Secos e Molhados Live on Maracanazinho – 1974 A short poem describing the sadness of war Think of the children, mute, telepathic Think of the girls, blind, confused Think of the women, ripped altered Think of the wounds, like warm roses But oh don’t forget the rose, the […]

Chitãozinho e Xororó

Chitãozinho E Xororó

Chitãozinho & Xororó are a Brazilian sertanejo duo. Chitãozinho is the stage name of José Lima Sobrinho and Xororó of Durval de Lima. Their music, which combines traditional Brazilian caipira with pop, was instrumental in establishing the sertanejo genre. They have sold over 30 million albums since their first album was released in 1970. From Wikipedia Share It Twitter Share […]

Chrystian e Ralf

Chrystian E Ralf

Chrystian & Ralf is a Brazilian hinterland duo, from the state of Goiás, formed by the brothers José Pereira da Silva Neto ( Goiânia, November 3, 1956), Chrystian and Ralf Richardson da Silva ( Goiânia, June 15, 1961), Ralf. The duo is famous for the high pitched sound of their songs, and is recognized as […]

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