Walk in Darkness

Walk In Darkness – Time To Rise

Time To Rise [gtranslate] Beyond the horizon beyond all we can see, something draws the lines of destiny. We are alone in the geometry of things, hanging from the clouds only a hand waving free. Now the winter is everywhere, shadows lengthen (to) turn into demons. while the asymmetric flow of time […]

Walk in Darkness

Walk In Darkness – Nothing

Nothing [gtranslate] We have lost everything we could have lost and we leave again in low light, in the oblivion of the falling leaves thinking we have always been here as if we never born as if we never die’ We can seeships leaving for the starsalong the lines of space time,defying the […]

Walk in Darkness

Walk In Darkness – Alexandria – Magdalena Lee And Nicoletta Rosellini

Alexandria [gtranslate] Perhaps it’s a bad omenthe flickering of the stars Perhaps it’s a bad omensun’s path to the west Alexandria Everything that flourisheseverything that vanisheseverything that is timeless. Alexandria but forgotten forever You’ll shine again Alexandrialike the moon through the clouds Alexandria Alexandria You’ll shine againlike the crowded chariot of the sunthat spreads the morning lighton […]

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