Implementation Rules for Games Developers

Advantages of Using Pre-Made NFT Collections for MMORPG Game Development
Developing a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) based on non-fungible tokens (NFTs) can be a complex and time-consuming process. One major decision for developers is whether to create a custom collection of NFTs or to use a pre-made collection. In this article, we’ll discuss the advantages of using pre-made NFT collections for MMORPG game development.
- Saves Time and Resources
Creating a custom collection of NFTs can be a daunting task, especially for small or indie game developers. It can take a lot of time and resources to design, develop, and deploy a collection of unique NFTs. Using pre-made NFT collections can significantly reduce the time and resources required for NFT development, allowing developers to focus on other aspects of game development.
- Established Community
Pre-made NFT collections usually come with an established community of supporters and users. This community can help to promote the game and generate interest among potential players. It can also provide valuable feedback to the developers on the game’s mechanics and NFT collection.
- Wide Range of Options
There are a wide range of pre-made NFT collections available, catering to different themes, styles, and genres. This allows developers to choose a collection that fits the game’s aesthetic and gameplay mechanics, without having to create one from scratch.
- Accessibility
Using pre-made NFT collections can also make the game more accessible to a wider range of players. Custom NFT collections may be expensive or difficult to obtain, limiting their availability to only a small subset of players. In contrast, pre-made NFT collections are often more affordable and readily available, allowing more players to participate in the game’s economy and NFT ecosystem.
Taking into account these considerations, we present the NLG collection.
Technical characteristics
Token Standard: ERC 1155
Chain: Polygon
Image Format: jpeg
Full image resolution: High
Marketplace: Airdrop
Entities of NFTs:
s0 Queen or King
s1 Succubus
s2 Priestess
s3 Witch or Wizards
s4 Supernatural Beings (Dragons, Cerberus, Vampires, Lycans and others not included in the other types)
s5 Devotees
s6 Devotee
s7 Soldier
s8 False Devotee or False Devotees
s9 Nahemah Legion Avatar
Properties of NFTs:
p1 Immortality
p2 Magic
p3 Seduction
p4 Skill
p5 Strength
Nahemah Legion Avatar has a optional property named Dynasty Age, which can be used to increase the power of the wallet according to the creativity of the platform.
Entities Description
Queen and Kings
When humans are mortal (zero immortality), but can initiate or unleash an invasion or put down a rebellion. In some cases they can be immortal, for example vampire kings or queens.
Minimum and maximum levels 02222 to 55555
Succubus (In their nature, they are immortal and have their own hierarchy, ranging from weakest to strongest)
Minimum and maximum levels 11111 to 55555
Max Power 5 x 2^5
Priestess (Some of them may have divine origins and be immortal or live on another scale of longevity, such as the Olympian gods)
Minimum and maximum levels 01111 to 55555
Max Power 5 x 2^5
Witch (They are humans but can obtain high longevity through knowledge of magic. It is common in folklore to find witches who appear young but are actually of advanced age)
Minimum and maximum levels 01011 to 45444
Max Power (4 x 2^4)+(2^5)
Supernatural Beings
Minimum and maximum levels 01011 to 55555
Max Power 5 x 2^3
Devotees and Devotee (They are mere mortal humans, they do not have any kind of afterlife or magic, but they can be strong, clever, and seductive). When in large numbers they can start a rebellion taking an area that is under the command of some other leader.
Devotees (cards with two devotees figures)
Minimum and maximum levels 00002 to 00333
Max Power 3 x 2^3
Devotee Minimum and maximum levels 00001 to 00222
Max Power 3 x 2^2
Soldier Minimum and maximum levels 00011 to 00011
Max Power 2
False Devotee or False Devotees
Minimum and maximum levels 00000 to 00000
Max Power 0
They only appear as Devotee or Devotees, but with all weights set to zero. They are the most abundant items in the collection (just like in reality, false devotees are very abundant). These items serve to confuse the opponent by mixing with true devotees.
A large number of false devotees impress but do not influence the result, whereas a large number of true devotees impress and influence the result.
Items from the same contract and the same issuer that do not have all five properties should be disregarded because they do not belong to the game. This should be provided to allow the use of open contracts that are not restricted to a single collection.
Criteria that must be verified for the platform to accept an NFT as a participant in the game:
- Verify if it is from a valid collection.
- Verify if it is from a valid creator.
- Verify if the NFT has all the expected properties.
Calculating the score of an NFT:
Properties (p) from 1 to 5
Points of the NFT (pt):
a) pt = ((2^p1)+(2^p2)+(2^p3)+(2^p4)+(2^p5))/nItemsOfNFT
b) pt = ((2^p1)+(2^p2)+(2^p3)+(2^p4)+(2^p5)
(a) Taking into account the rarity of NFTs while (b) favoring the total number of NFTs, the platform designer can choose which model is most interesting for his case.
Whenever there is a challenge, the winner is whoever presents the highest absolute score in the sum of their set of cards (tokens).
The tiebreaker (if it occurs) is made by the tied player who has the highest sum of votes in the following order:
Immortality, Magic, Seduction, Skill and Strength
If the tie persists, eventual points or prizes will be equally divided among those who tied, remembering that the statistical probability of this happening is very low.
Using an NFT as login or for user signature
The number of sites that use NFT to validate the identity of a user is increasing, this gives an important characteristic that is the owner of the NFT to be able to sell his account on the site anonymously to another user, without having to transfer email and passwords , simply transfer the ownership of the NFT.
To use this feature with this collection (or any other) the site must check if the NFT is single item (1 in the amount of items), in the NFTs of this collection this is implemented in the Nahemah Legion Avatar series.
General considerations
An invasion will always have a queen or king to command the occupation, it can be quelled by another king/queen or even by a large rebel group
A rebellion can be started without the presence of kings, queens or supernatural beings, it can be fought by a king or queen or even by another rebel group.
Succubus and Priestesses are antagonistic entities and, as a rule, should not be used together.
An infestation will always have to have a Succubus to command the legion, even if it is low-scoring. A liberation will always have to have a Priestess to command the congregation, even if it is low-scoring.
Note: An infestation, due to its supernatural nature, cannot be quelled by a queen, king or rebel queen, they can even be part of the company, but the leader must necessarily be a priestess.
Succubus, when combined with the other cards, form a legion that can, for example, infest a castle, area, or region, with the total strength being equal to the combined strength of all its individuals.
Priestesses, when combined with the other cards, form a congregation to, in the example in question, try to liberate the castle.
An infestation will always have to have a Succubus to command the legion, even if it is low-scoring. A liberation will always have to have a Priestess to command the congregation, even if it is low-scoring.
A deck can have all kinds of cards, both Priestesses and Succubus, with the only restriction being that these two cannot be combined in the same action. Priestesses never infest, Succubus never liberate.
In a variant, the castle can be replaced by an individual who is possessed by a legion. In this case, exorcism is attributed to the Congregation (it would be more consistent with supernatural issues, but the version with castles, areas, or regions is lighter).
In a simpler version, a Legion or Congregation can have elements of the same deck.
In a more complete version, Legions and Congregations can be formed by multiple players with multiple decks, forming very powerful entities, both to infest and to liberate a certain area or region.
Expanding the possibilities
To make the game interesting, a legion that wishes to infest a castle (for example) must match a collateral, and a congregation that wishes to liberate it must match a collateral of equal value. This collateral can simply be points in the game, just for fun, with no monetary value, allowing participants to showcase their collection to a large number of people interested in this type of art, which in the proposed case has great visual appeal. In this case, the platform may charge a commission on the items marketed to make it economically viable. Accumulated points can be used to create a ranking. Collateral points can be generated at a certain rate per day for each participant or can be acquired in some other way.
Obviously, collateral can also be some type of digital asset such as tokens, cryptocurrencies, or even other NFTs. Therefore, the winner takes the sum of the collateral. When operating with real assets, the platform may keep a small percentage of the collateral to cover its implementation expenses, with the aim of making the platform economically viable.
To avoid the problem of predictability, due to the transparency of blockchains, the platform should only make public the quantity and name of the entities that form an infestation, so that the opponent has an idea of the power allocated by the enemy without making the NFT IDs available. If so, it would be very easy for the opponent to set up a bot to know in advance the exact power of the opposing legion, which would make it possible to attack only when certain of winning. For auditing purposes, the ID of the tokens involved can be revealed after the move.
In this way, when a player posts a position, the platform would only disclose something like “The castle of the Sol Nascente county has been infested by 3 succubus, 2 witches, 8 Supernatural beings, and 150 devotees.” Although the quantity of items involved is available, this will only give an approximate idea of the power necessary to free the county.
Depending on the quality of the opponent’s cards, it may be possible to defeat the infester with 1 Priestess, 1 witch, and 100 devotees (it would be risky but possible). For example, 1 Priestess 5-5-5-5-5 easily defeats 3 succubus 2-2-2-2-2, with the same logic applying to other elements. We can have cases of legions with few individuals but with great strength, as well as the reverse, legions with many elements and little strength. It can also happen that an infestation is formed by a legion with a large number of elements, all with great strength, forming a very difficult army to defeat.
When showing the image of the involved NFTs, care must be taken not to reveal the ID of the item, as in many cases the CDN used can associate the collection and item number with the image and use it in the URL. It is true that by showing the image of the NFTs, more experienced players may be able to know, by recalling previous situations, the approximate power of each item or even search for the image in an explorer to know its power, but that is part of the game, besides, for large quantities of items these methods are inefficient.
It should be noted that the purpose of this article was to provide an overview of the collection, along with some suggestions, ideas, and considerations. However, developers of the platform may use the NFTs and their properties in other game scenarios, with complete freedom to adapt them to their project, increasing options for users and collectors in using their assets.