According to Greek mythology, Aphrodite was born from the sea foam that formed when the Titan Cronus castrated his father, Uranus, and threw his genitals into the sea. She emerged fully grown and beautiful from the foam and was carried to shore by the breeze.
Aphrodite was married to the god of metalworking and craftsmanship, Hephaestus, but she had numerous affairs with other gods and mortals, including Ares, the god of war, and Adonis, a handsome mortal. She was also associated with the goddess of fertility, Demeter, and the goddess of the hunt, Artemis.
Aphrodite was often depicted as a beautiful woman with long hair and a voluptuous figure, sometimes accompanied by her son, Eros (Cupid), the god of love. She was often depicted with roses, doves, and other symbols of love and beauty.
Aphrodite was worshiped throughout ancient Greece, and her cult centers included the island of Cyprus, where she was believed to have been born, as well as Athens, Sparta, and Corinth. Her influence can also be seen in ancient Roman mythology, where she was known as Venus.
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