ANKH TV Tokens Universe

ANKH TV Tokens Universe is a series of commemorative tokens, purposely launched with low market cap, to give low capital investors the opportunity to get a considerable amount of tokens in the early stage, giving them a become major investors. Despite the low initial value, nothing prevents the tokens in question from quickly increasing in value when they become popular, given that they are minted in low and fixed amounts, so that they become scarce in a short time.

The tokens of this series are 80% offered for sale. Once the liquidity is created, the 65% pool is locked forever in a network contract, developed for this purpose, which even developers cannot undo. 15% of the pool is unlocked and can be moved to create other liquidity pairs (if necessary or desirable).

Collection Masters of Music

Johann Sebastian Bach Token By ANKH TV

Johann Sebastian Bach

Token Specifications

Name: Sebastian Bach Token


Supply: 1,000,000

Contract: 0x407A700b6F6969422c6392aC8e8272f83c47D47


Liquidity Pools ~800000 AJSBACH (~80%)

START: ~800000 AJSBACH -> ~650000 Locked Forever -> ~ 150000 Unlock (For future creation of other liquidity pairs)

LP Tokens Locked Forever Transaction

LP Tokens Locked Forever Transaction